Israeli Startup Binsight Leverages RIHub’s Incubator to Become Newest Entry in US Market
RIIC and RIHCC Announce latest Winners of the RI Latino Biz Web Design Project
Rhode Island–Israel Coffee Rush Hour Episode 4 November 11th 3:00 pm EST 10:00 pm Israel Time
The RIIC are honored to have received a citation of appreciation from Governor of Rhode Island
Little States, Big Innovation: Israel X Rhode Island, Episode 11 Thursday October 21st at 12pm EST
Israel Innovation in Digital Health and Medical Devices October 20th 11:00. The event is in person
High Tech Israeli Startup Binsight Accepted to RIHub’s Incubator program in Rhode Island
Israeli Hisham Aharon helped to innovate Ocean State Job Lot article in Toggle Magazine
RI–Israel Rush Hour Coffe Talk with Anat Katz, Newly Appointed Economic Minister to North America
Jacqueline Saslawski, JD Newly Elected Board Member of the Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative