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Hospital Reception
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  The Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) is pleased to announce the establishment of a Healthcare Subcommittee with a mission to promote collaboration between the medical communities in Rhode Island and Israel. The committee will focus on fostering partnerships in patient care, education, and research, further strengthening the relationship between Rhode Island and Israel.



Rhode Island

Limor Spalt_edited.png

Limor Nevel


Committee Member

Rhode Island



Rhode Island


Committee Member

Rhode Island


Dr. Alon Erez


Committee Member



Zeev Lavie


Committee Member


Committee Members

The Healthcare Subcommittee will prioritize the following areas:

Patient Care: Facilitate connections between Israeli and Rhode Island hospitals, promoting the sharing of clinical trials, technologies, equipment, and knowledge to enhance patient care.

Education: Create physician exchange program for Israeli and Rhode Island doctors, medical staff, or students seeking internships and other professional opportunities.

Joint Research: Connect Israeli and Rhode Island researchers in the medical field to exchange expertise and establish joint research programs, enabling students and researchers to travel between Israel and Rhode Island for mentorship and collaborative biomedical investigations.


The Healthcare Subcommittee is currently recruiting  members from both Rhode Island and Israel to join this initiative. If you are interested in participating and contributing, fill the information below and let us know the areas you are interested in being involved in.


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