Roey Tzezana
Roey Tzezana, PhD, is a public intellectual and a futures studies researcher with worldwide acclaim. He’s a research fellow in the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, and is the academic manager of the program for Futures Studies at Lahav Executive Education in Recanati Business School at Tel Aviv University. He has given courses about futures studies and the future in Hebrew University and the Technion as well. His first book “Guide to the Future”, became a best-seller and focused public attention in the disruptive influence of emerging technologies on society. Tzezana has founded and is the director of the Simpolitix project for political forecasting, and is ‘living the future’ as co-founder of TeleBuddy: a start-up company helping people connect via tele-presence robots everywhere in the world. By using the avatar bodies, Tzezana is capable of teaching, lecturing and living in two continents at the same time, and wishes to give everyone a chance to do the same. Tzezana is a member of several bodies dedicated to studying the future, including the World Future Society, TechCast (where he has been elected recognized as Expert of the Month), and the Millennium Project. In addition, he’s a senior analyst at Wikistrat – a firm utilizing the wisdom of the crowd to provide strategic forecast.