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Reflection of recent Doing Business in Israel event at Bryant University, by Steven Swartz

Steven Swartz

Doing Business in Israel – a dream coming true?

After years of yearning to see Israel, my wife Judi and I finally got there in May, 2017 as a celebration of out fiftieth wedding anniversary. Visiting our wonderful Israeli friends for 10 days, we saw just about the whole country from the perspective of natives. And couldn’t wait to return.

Through business connections, I was able to return to Israel in September for the Watertec 2017 conference. A month later, another trip opened opportunities at a conference by the Manufacturers Association of Israel. Is aliya in the future? Who knows – all depends on being able to do business in Israel.

That’s why to me Wednesday’s “Doing Business in Israel” conference organized by the Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) and the Chafee Center at Bryant University was so important in support of the Consulate General of Israel to New England in Boston and Commerce RI. Was it time well-spent? You bet. To see the actual presentations, visit

The Skype visit with Zeev Lavie, International Relations Division of the Federation of Israeli Chamber of Commerce was excellent. In fact, I’m planning to see Zeev on my upcoming trip to Tel Aviv in a couple of weeks!

In addition to the networking -- where no one was shy about making contact -- content of the presentations was outstanding. From visits to Israel and meetings and meetings and meetings dealing with the unique Israeli personality, hearing about it from others was no surprise. (Wait, Avi, I’m not finished!).

But to hear from colleagues how willing Israelis are to work with US companies is both reassuring and reaffirming.

One of the truly eye-opening experiences was by Boris Manevitch, Senior Procurement Specialist, Israeli Ministry of Defense. He made what could be a paper-work nightmare into an easy-to-use set of procedures that any business person should be able to handle.

I was particularly impressed with the success stories of Boston Med Tech Advisors, Mearthane Products Corp, Cooley Group, American Cord and Webbing and of course BIRD. It was a pleasure to hear about real success from real, live owners and executives. Sincere thanks to Andrea Yonah of BIRD for making me aware of the conference.

On the almost 3-hour drive back to the north Shore in the snow and freezing rain, had plenty of time to think over the conference experience. Bottom line, Israel offers business opportunities unlike any other place on the globe. We are truly blessed that Avi Nevel and the RIIC are committed to helping companies of all sizes, in a variety of industries open doors in Israel, and conversely, successfully bring Israeli technologies and products to the United States.

Toda Raba. Steven Swartz

Steven Swartz is Founder and CEO, SIZZLE PR, a technology-oriented strategic communications consultancy based in North Reading, Massachusetts. He is Communications Director of The DATT Group (Developers of Advanced Technology Today), led by Irving A. Backman, headquartered in Dedham, Massachusetts (

Contact: or 978-265-4934

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