April 3, 2018
CONTACT: Benjamin Cowen-Whitman, Director of Community Relations
(617) 697-7255 |
Israeli Consulate Hosts 9th Annual Executives Forum
BOSTON –The Consulate General of Israel to New England hosted its Ninth Annual Executives Forum at the Museum of Science on Tuesday, March 27, 2018.
About 100 US and Israeli business, political and community leaders, including guests from Rhode Island , Representative Carlos Tobon, Central Falls Mayor James Diossa, Rhode Island State Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis, filled the Museum of Science Tuesday evening to hear Alan Hassenfeld, Former CEO and Chairman of Hasbro Toys, and Rhode Island resident, share his thoughts on global economic trends. Hassenfeld’s address followed a tradition of other leading New England business professionals speaking at this event such as New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft, Bain Capital Co-Managing Partner Jonathon Lavine, and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard President Dr. Eric Lander.
The Israeli Consulate initiated this event nine years ago in order to provide leading CEO’s with an opportunity to interact and strengthen the innovation ecosystem that ties New England and Israel together. Since its inception, the Executives Forum has grown to become the Consulate’s largest economic event of the year, seeking to bring the Israel-New England correspondence to new levels of success.
Among the issues he addressed, keynote speaker Hassenfeld discussed his involvement in Israeli innovation. He praised the “Incredible technological brilliance in Israel coming out of young people and the universities,” and expressed his hope that this talent could serve in the future as a bridge to its Middle East neighbors. Regarding future economic developments in both the Middle East and China, he said, “The relationship, if handled properly, will be incredible between business with China and Israel.”
Consul General Yehuda Yaakov, who moderated the fireside chat with Hassenfeld, emphasized in his remarks the importance of a broad economic discourse about Israel that includes not only business and innovation but also social enterprise and impact. Avi Nevel, President and CEO of the Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative, opened the event by detailing its recent establishment in order to strengthen Israel-RI business ties. Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative board members Ella Hood, Dr. Roey Tzezana, and Kathy Therieau accompanied Nevel.
The Museum of Science familiarizes the New England community with global innovation and technology, and has served as a fitting venue for this Consulate event in the past.
Photos taken by Sivan Lahav Photography

L-R: Israeli Consul General Yehuda Yaakov, Alan Hassenfeld (Former Chairman & CEO of Hasbro Toys)

L-R: Representative Carlos Tobon, James Diossa (Mayor of Central Falls, RI), Alan Hassenfeld (Former Chairman & CEO of Hasbro Toys), Avi Nevel (President & CEO of Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative), Israeli Consul General Yehuda Yaakov.

L-R: Avi Nevel (President & CEO of Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative), Kathy Therieau (RIIC Board Member), Alan Hassenfeld (Former Chairman & CEO of Hasbro Toys), Ella Hood (RIIC Board Member), Israeli Consul General Yehuda Yaakov, Dr. Roey Tzezana (RIIC Board Member)