In the last two weeks, Attorney Baruch Perl lectured on the topic Successful Legal Strategies and Experiences from Israel, the StartUp Nation to the RI BAR Association and to students at Roger Williams University Law School. Attorney Perl shared his vast experience and gave real life examples about startups from the law viewpoint and gave points of importance for every attorney when advised their clients have a startup situation. For example, agreement between the partners, confidentiality, employee contracts, managing relations with investors, and others. In the last few years, Israel has had more than 800 startups a year.

The event was opened by
Attorney Miriam Ross, who spoke about startups and then gave a short brief about Rhode Island startup companies which was followed by Avi Nevel, CEO of the Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC), who gave an overview of the startup ecosystem in Israel and discussed opportunities for Rhode Islanders to collaborate with Israel innovation. Q & A followed both events. Thank you to our hosts, Rhode Island BAR and Roger Williams University Law School.