On June 3rd and 4th , 2024 we had a very successful international aquacultural conference which took place at Roger Williams University of Rhode Island
International Aquaculture Conference Explores Biotech Advancements Benefiting the Global Aquaculture Industry and Coastal Ecosystem Health.
To read full article go to the link.
To see full picture album from the conference, go to the link.
To see full speaker list and abstracts from the conference, go to the link.
To see full conference webpage, go to the link.
Recorded greetings from Rhode Island Secretary of Commerce Liz Tanner, see link.
For those who are interested in learning more about the Rhode Island/Israel aquaculture ecosystems, please contact Dr. Galit Sharon gsharon@rwu.edu at Roger Williams University or Avi Nevel, anevels@theriic.org .
On behalf of the organizing committiee, we would like to thank all the sponsors, participants, and speakers, and especially Roger Williams University and its team who hosted the event.
