Newport Rhode Island, U.S. - Ashdod Israel
December 21, 2021 During the visit of RIIC, CEO Founder, Avi Nevel to Hub Ashdod in Ashdod Israel, BLUETECH STARTUP COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT ASHDOD ISRAEL AND NEWPORT RHODE ISLAND competition was announced in an event ceremony. The event was opened by Hai Vahnish, Head of Hub Ashdod. Eti Lugassi, Manager of the Ashdod Youth Center gave remarks as well as Gabi Knafo, the Deputy Mayor of the City of Ashdod who congratulated the program and delivered remarks of interest that the city of Ashdod has to build relations with Newport, Rhode Island as both cities have a lot in common. Mollie Williams, the Executive Director of Innovate Newport spoke live via Zoom congratulating their counterparts in Ashdod. Avi Nevel, CEO of the Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) remarked how this is another step in continuation of connecting Israeli Innovation Ecosystem with Rhode Island in the field of BlueTech.

Avi Nevel delivering opening remarks at Hub Ashdod
Full Announcement
The Rhode Island Israeli Collaborative (RIIC) in collaboration with Innovate Newport, The Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce, and Hub Ashdod Israel is pleased to announce a BlueTech Startup Competition that will kick off February, 22, 2022 at the Blue Innovation Symposium in Newport Rhode Island. The goal of the competition is to cultivate the international blue tech ecosystem by supporting startups and connecting them with strategic partners, mentors, and resources. The program will create connections specifically between the Ashdod Bluetech Israel ecosystem and the Rhode Island Bluetech ecosystem.
Full Press Release

From left to right, Hai Vahnish, Avi Nevel, Gabi Knafo, Eti Lugasi
The BlueTech Startup Competition will identify four startup companies in the Bluetech space from each location for a total of eight companies based on criteria developed by the innovation hubs in each city: Hub Ashdod and Innovate Newport. The companies will compete for a 1st place prize that will include cash as well as a customized trip to the partnering country where the winner will gain access to personalized introductions, meetings, and coworking space. U.S. Newport judges will judge the four Israeli pitches; whereas Israeli judges will judge the four American pitches.

Gabi Knafo Deputy Mayor of the City of Ashdod
Judges' announcements and awards will take place April 2022 during the online award ceremony.
Link to official press release
For more information, contact
Mollie Frazer Williams; Innovate Newport; Erin Donovan-Boyle; The Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce;
Hai Vahnish ;HUBASHDOD;
Avi Nevel; Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC);