As the year draws to an end, we ask you to consider becoming a member or donate to our organization the RIIC a 501 (c) (6) . As you may know, all of our activities in building the relations between Israel and Rhode Island are on a voluntary basis and your participation and support is crucial to our continued operation. This coming year in June, we will celebrate the 5th-year anniversary of our organization and I truly believe that we have brought a tremendous positive impact to Rhode Island/Israel business, academia and research. To follow our activities throughout the year, please go to our blog page. In a recent event, the first in-person event since the pandemic, Governor Daniel J. McKee bestowed our organization with an honor of a certificate of recognition for our efforts and activities throughout the years. Our efforts are wide-range, from assisting small businesses, connecting government agencies, students and academic faculty and large organizations for and not for profit. Every Saturday, I receive the Financial Times magazine and there is an insert every week on how to spend your money. I could not come up with a better idea then to ask you, at this time, to spend your money to continue to support our organization, the RIIC. By doing so, you are helping us to continue to build a strong relationship between Rhode Island and Israel in academia, business and research. I urge you to go to the link and support us. You can also gift a membership to someone. To those who are already our members and supporters, thank you for your past support. To those who wish to donate, please send a check to
Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC)
c/o Rosenstein, Halper & Maselli, LLP
PO Box 9567
Providence, RI 02940-9567
On behalf of our organization, the board and myself,
Thank you,
Avi Nevel
If you need more information, please contact me at