We are pleased to share with you a recording of the Blue Revolution Aquaculture online conference which took place November 15th in collaboration between Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC), Roger Williams University, RI and Aquacultech Israel. This online conference is a prelude to an in person conference which will take place June 3rd and 4th, at RogerWilliams University Rhode Island.
To learn more about the upcoming conference, To learn more about the conference, please go to the link.
We thank all of our partners and organizations who participated and helped to make our event a success.

The Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) in collaboration with the Roger Williams University Center for Economic and Environmental Development (CEED) and Aquacultech Israelwill hold a conference on the Blue Revolution and Sustainable Aquaculture featuring experts from Rhode Island and Israel.
In person June 3rd and 4th at Roger Williams University Bristol Campus
About the conference
The conference will bring together top mariculture experts from Israel and Rhode Island to present the latest innovations and trends in the field. Be a part of the blue revolution with a great opportunity for networking and collaboration among participating countries, academic institutions, and industry.

Topics for the conference
• Bottlenecks solutions for aquaculture production
• Innovation approaches for management, diagnostics and health of aquatic organisms
• Biotechnology and marine natural products
For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities,
please contact Avi Nevel anevel@theriic.org
For more information regarding speaking opportunities at the conference,
please contact Dr. Galit Sharon, gsharon@rwu.edu
