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Conference Postponed Rhode Island, Israel and Greece Blue Revolution: Sustainable Aquaculture

Writer's picture: Avi NevelAvi Nevel

Conference Postponed to 2024.

For more details and information contact

Rhode Island, Israel and Greece Aquaculture Conference Announcement

The conference will take place at Roger Williams University Bristol Rhode Island June 8th and 9th 2023 and will focus on development and applicaiton of innovative research and technology for the development of sustainable aquaculture.

Conference has been postponed to 2024. New date will be advised.

The Rhode Island, Israel, and Greece

2023 Blue Revolution and Sustainable Aquaculture Conference

Abstract Submission apply go to this link

The Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) in collaboration with the Roger Williams University Center for Economic and Environmental Development (CEED) will hold a conference on the Blue Revolution and Sustainable Aquaculture featuring experts from Rhode Island, Israel, and Greece. The conference will focus on the application of biotechnology in aquaculture and the role of novel, innovative research to produce sustainable products and food safety solutions for the global aquaculture industry.

The conference will bring together top mariculture experts from Israel, Greece, and Rhode Island to present the latest innovations and trends in the field. Be a part of the blue revolution with a great opportunity for networking and collaboration among participating countries, academic institutions, and industry.

Topics for the conference presentations:

· Innovations and novel management approaches for sustainable aquaculture

· Technology and Aquaculture Systems Innovations

· Bottlenecks and solutions in aquaculture production

· Emerging diseases of aquatic organisms & new treatments and diagnostic methods

· Microbial (microalgal and bacterial) biotechnologies and marine natural products

For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact Avi Nevel

For more information regarding speaking opportunities at the conference, please contact Dr. Galit Sharon,


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