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The RIIC participated in Israel 75 Independence Celebration


On Sunday, May 21st, the RIIC participated in the community celebration Israel 75. Miriam Ross, VP of the RIIC and board member, Jacqueline Saslawski manned the booth. During the event, they met multiple community members and gave out information about the RIIC and its activities. Israel Consul General, Ambassador Meron Reuben visited the booth during the event.

From left to right, Ambassador Meron Reuben, Miriam Ross, Jacqueline Saslawski

From left to right, Miriam Ross, Jacqueline Saslawski

RIIC board members participated in the Yom Haatzmaut celebration June 8th. The RIIC was represented by board members, Ella Hood, Miriam Ross and Avi Nevel. Also participating in the event, Oscar Mejias, President & CEO of the RI Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Senator Raptakis from Rhode Island.

From left to right, Avi Nevel, Dr. Laura Nevel, Ambassador Meron Reuben, Miriam Ross, Oscar Mejias

From left to right: Avi Nevel, Symeon Tegos, Greek Consul General to New England and Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis

Avi Nevel, Founder and CEO represented the RIIC at the Yom Haatzmaut ceremony with other community leaders at the Rhode Island statehouse. To read more about the event, go to the link.


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